I’m Laurie Hawkins, business mentor & strategist.

Reconnect to the spark inside you.

Let it light the way.

Reconnect to the spark inside you. Let it light the way.

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You know there’s something more, a better way to approach work, to be a great leader, to guide your business, people and self to new heights, you just don’t know what it is.

I’m here to help leaders & entrepreneurs find this new way. We’ll do the inner & outer work that elevates you to the pinnacle of success—with more energy, impact & fulfillment than you could ever imagine. Let’s carve out a new way to lead, live and love together!

About Me

I was a corporate leader, channeling my boundless energy and strategic acumen into those I served.

My leadership propelled a sales team to the top within a Fortune 50 titan in Canada, securing a decade of unrivaled sales accolades, and salvaging a division on the brink of dissolution.

Yet, as a high-achieving workaholic who didn’t understand the word “balance”, I started to ask myself: What is it all for?

Personal and health-related challenges, including developing an auto-immune condition, beckoned me towards a new journey of self-discovery.

I left behind the corporate world, and laid the foundations of my consultancy.

The more I worked one-on-one with CEO’s, founders and leaders, an inherently spiritual power began to manifest. Alongside offering strategic advice, my sessions became a sanctuary for leaders to unveil their deep vulnerabilities.

Parallel to my professional evolution, a personal awakening unfolded.

I delved into the realms of intuition and the soul, exploring sacred rituals like meditation, breathwork, yoga and energy healing.

This transformative exploration gradually infiltrated my work, fostering a holistic approach to business, a profound integration of personal growth and professional excellence.

Let’s redefine success together. Let’s usher in your evolution!

The Official Stuff

  • Multiple Board of Directors Positions

  • Certified Business Success Coach & Personal Coach

  • Recipient of 10+ years of Presidents Club & Leaders Circle Awards (Sales & Leadership)

  • Recipient of Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award for Community Service

  • Ritz Carlton Service Excellence Leadership

  • DISC, Enneagram, 16 Types & Sacred Gifts Facilitator

  • Chief Reinvention Officer & Certified Heart Centred Leadership

Your Transformative Journey

Reinventing your leadership paradigms, I weave the highest strategic excellence with intuitive insights to understand where you're at and what you truly need as a leader and human.

Redefine the way you lead & live.

With an optimistic and driven approach, I'll encourage you to explore alternative solutions and paths forward.

I'll help you enhance your leadership, ensuring you exceed expected results, while finding a deeper sense of personal fulfillment.

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Experience a new, more aligned path to success & freedom.

I often guide leaders in transition and people who feel stuck to find clarity and alignment with their true calling.

This empowers you to embody your profound purpose, distinctively expressed through your leadership role or business.

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Embrace growth & discovery as you evolve & expand.

As business landscapes shift, traditional methods falter. I'll connect you with innovative resources — strategic, mindful, and integrative — that resonate with both your personal and professional life. This enables you to lead and live with greater freedom and fulfillment.

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Connect with like-minded & hearted leaders.

I bring dynamic leaders together through my network of CEO’s, founders and high-energy leaders – creating a space where shared understanding, problem-solving and new relationships flourish, combating the isolation of leadership.

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Things you don’t know about me

  • Through a deeply collaborative and stretching-the-comfort-zone project, I’m a best-selling author.

  • I’m on an adventure to find every red chair in Canada (Parks Canada Initiative) and drink a glass of bubbly while experiencing the beauty of nature around me.

  • My wind beneath my wings are my children and my husband. They make all things magical and worth doing “the work” to heal the way I work, live and love.

  • I’m walking through the same journey as you and I want to compassionately meet you where you are and hold space for your expansion. Being the “only” can feel so lonely… let’s disrupt together.

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