Leaders Evolve & Expand

I see you. You go after “success” with everything you’ve got but secretly you yearn for more.

  • You’ve reached unprecedented levels of success and you wonder if you can continue your success and have more fun, fulfillment and freedom.

  • You’re called to show up as your authentic, whole self, expressing your gifts and true potential. But you're wondering if you will be accepted as the real you.

  • You're positively bursting with untapped potential; with so much still inside of you. But finding the guts to unleash it, is it safe?

  • You're doing everything as a leader to make the right calls and still you feel you like it’s not enough most days.

I've walked this wild path. I've felt the burn of these doubts. I'm here to offer you a different approach, another way – one where ambition and inner peace coexist.

Key Pillars to Evolve & Expand

1:1 Regular Virtual Sessions

Blending both strategic business and soulful advice, in our virtual live sessions, it’s just you and me. We’ll rendezvous regularly whether weekly, or monthly, tailored to fit your unique needs. In our private, sacred space, you’ll feel seen, heard and validated.

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Doing the Inner Work

We’ll dive into the inner stuff you’d never normally broach with a business mentor: the deep well of your higher purpose, your most expansive vision for your life, your true values and sacred gifts, exploring the full spectrum of what’s possible for you—the leader and the person.

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Your Success is My Priority

You’ll get high-level business strategy and leadership insights along with compassionate honesty. With me, you’re free to fully explore the pressing challenges you face as a leader, especially the ones you keep under lock and key.

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Personalized Resource Toolkit

I draw upon a treasure trove of resources — articles, book reviews, workshop materials, podcasts and videos — I’ve curated over decades. We’ll explore frameworks and tools that align with your unique challenges, needs and leadership, awakening you to a world of new perspectives.

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Ambition & Alignment

Commitment & Freedom

Ambition & Alignment • Commitment & Freedom •

Professionally, you’re on top of the mountain. But you put your flag in to celebrate and you don't feel any different. You wonder "is this all there is?"

You pour your heart and soul into your work, and yet, you still feel like you have to show up a certain way—sacrifice fulfillment for achievement and leave your life on hold to get to the next peak.

You’re expected to know it all, lead people and make decisions without anyone in your corner.

You’re tired of holding it all together. You have all the accolades but you feel empty inside.

You know there’s something more—a better way to approach work, to be a great leader, to guide your business, people, and self to new heights; you just don’t know what it is.

I’ve Got You

Partnering 1:1 with me, you’ll receive…

  • A been-there-in-the-trenches business & leadership guide bursting with real, raw, out-of-the-box perspectives that’ll have you saying “Wow, I hadn’t thought of it that way!”

  • An empathetic, intuitive and ready to vibe with your every word ally. There’s no holding back, just pure, unfiltered connection!

  • Elevate your business, evolve as a leader and unleash game-changing power moves.

  • Coming home, living in alignment with your authentic self, both in and out of the boardroom – while amplifying that “edge” that got you here.

  • “I fear that I will never achieve the big vision of what I believe is possible. Every time I speak to Laurie though, I see the fear dissipating. She always manages to shift my perspective with a “mind-blowing” new thought, insight or idea.”

  • “Laurie has always been a sounding board and support system that I rely on heavily. Not everyone has someone to share very personal thoughts and feelings, to just listen and only interject when appropriate. Laurie is a great listener.”

  • “Laurie’s guidance, advice and mindset of ‘anything is possible’ constantly reminds me to think differently, act differently and communicate differently. She’s a compassionate, non-biased, big-hearted, energy-generating friend to assist you and your business to get to the next level.”

Are we a match?

To maintain the highest level of dedication on my part, participation in this program is by application only. This ensures not only our compatibility but also gives you the personalized support you deserve.