The CEO Experience

Join an elite group of fellow female visionaries for two transformative days, where you'll craft your ambitious goals and concrete action plans surrounded by breathtaking beauty.

Escape the ordinary and step into a space of inspiration and empowerment.

  • We'll kick off by diving deep into your wildest dreams and loftiest visions, using guided meditations and creative exercises to unlock your true potential.

  • Then, we'll roll up our sleeves and turn those sky-high aspirations into tangible, actionable plans, armed with planning tools and spiritual practices to keep you on track.

  • Amongst a circle of aligned female expanders, we’ll celebrate over beautiful meals and deep conversations against the backdrop of luxurious accommodations immersed in nature.

  • With a keen understanding of the synergy between personal wellness, inner growth and professional success, I'll show you the power of stepping away to recharge and refocus for long-term impact.

Join us for intimate group experiences or request your own private experience tailored just for you.

The Highlights

Blend of Strategy & Soul

Exercises fusing mindfulness practices with strategic business planning methods, from meditation sessions for clarity, and visioning exercises to connect with higher purpose to mapping your soul’s vision with actionable business goals.

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Natural Surroundings

Breathe in serene natural locations where creativity, inner-connection and inspiration has space to flow; while well-appointed spaces provide the perfect backdrop for strategic focus and productivity.

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Tailored Toolkit

Access a curated library of customizable resources—including workbooks, strategic planning templates, and more—in diverse formats designed to suit various learning styles. Afterwards, dive into digital assets for ongoing learning and practical application.

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Visionary Guests

Get to know leaders who’ve successfully integrated spirituality with business success; our experienced guests, who’ll share practical insights and inspirational personal stories, along with expansive frameworks and tools to implement immediate shifts.

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Multi-Sensory Experience

From aromatherapy and sound baths to vibrant visual art and more, awaken all your senses and open yourself to wild creativity and new levels of rejuvenation. Explore new ways to heal, grow and become your whole self.

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Ongoing Support & Community

Stay connected with our vibrant community for ongoing support, progress sharing and meaningful relationships. Benefit from follow-up coaching sessions to keep strategic and mindfulness goals on track and continue to thrive.

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Hustle & Harmony

Greatness & Peace

Hustle & Harmony • Greatness & Peace •

How we’ll invest our time

Day 1: Diving Deep – Discovery & Alignment


Kickstart with a grounding meditation or yoga session followed by an interactive session on identifying core values and spiritual goals.


We go big picture with strategic visioning; crafting visions of your dream business and life using creative tools like vision boarding, guided meditation and storytelling to tap into desires you may not even know you had.


Communal dinner with a special guest speaker breaking bread over sparkling discussion on aligning business with spirit and creating shared purpose and community. If you’re solo, an intimate celebration dinner will unfold.

Day 2: Strategic Planning & Action


Shifting gears, we dive into strategic planning methods tailored to your spiritual values and tangible goals. You’ll be given tools to create objectives, KPIs and action plans.


We’ll pour all the tools, shifts and big dreams we’ve uncovered into this personal plan development breakout session. With mentors on standby to guide you, followed by peer reviews, you’ll refine your plan and create inspired action items.

Closing Celebration

We’ll close our time together on a high with private reflections and sharing your plans and commitments out loud. This closing ritual will help solidify your intentions, supported by a symbolic act (like planting a tree or writing a letter to your future self).

  • “I used to feel that I had to be a different person to achieve my dreams. Laurie’s energy and disposition to aid this process and nurture through and believe in me has been so powerful. I can share my dreams and then Laurie provides this safe space where I know she’ll be there and it won’t be so scary, it’s that feeling of support.”

  • “The essence of who Laurie is and what she does, her intentionality in everything she does is something I have never experienced before. She makes things practical, tangible and doable. Every single time.”

  • “Initially I thought I would be educated in business and the more that I get to know Laurie, it’s learning that it’s more of an evolution… an experience.”

Request Your Invitation

The CEO Experience is a unique, application-only opportunity designed to ensure a harmonious and synergistic environment among participants. Apply below, and I will personally connect with you to discuss whether this transformative program aligns with your goals and aspirations.